Social Commitment

Social commitment is very important to us

As an owner-managed company, we have been supporting social projects for years.

Social responsibility has a long tradition at Dürr Technik. As a family-owned company we consider it our obligation to share our business success with people who, for various reasons, need particular support. The main focus of our social responsibility is on the areas of education, youth and social affairs.

For this reason we support the following projects:



Community school for orphans and support for the establishment of small businesses in Ntaja in Malawi / Africa

Following the successful establishment of the „Good Shepherd School“ in India (see 2008-2013), Dürr Technik has committed itself to the establishment of a new school in cooperation with the aid organization OM Deutschland e.V. - this time in Malawi, one of the poorest regions in Africa.

As part of a development cooperation project, a self-sufficient school for orphans were built up during a period of five years. These children have only little access to education, as their foster parents are not able to finance a school education.

The school has the name Chiyembekezo, which means hope in the Chichewa language.

Development steps:        

●  Building plot for the school

2 hectares of land were bought to build a school with several classrooms in it, accommodation for teachers, a playground, an amateur soccer field and an orchard/fruit garden.

●  School rooms

Since September 2014, 34 children have been taught in two classrooms. In the year before there were 16 children. With the completion of the school, the education is now running in six classes with a total of 120 children.

  Water supply

A well was drilled to provide the children and many people of this region with water.

●  Additional support

The team "Hilfe für die Dritte Welt" (support for the people of the Third World) in Bietigheim-Bissingen supported the project  "Drinking water supply in Malawi" with a donation of EUR1,000 in the year 2014.


The land development and the planting of the orchard are in full progress. It is already the 2nd planting year for maize, rice and pigeon pea. The children look forward to bananas and a supplement to the menu provided by chicken farming.



After commissioning the new school, Dürr Technik now supports the municipality with regard to the development of small businesses, so that a long-term independence can be realized in Ntaja.




Children's aid project Help for Children

In the coming months, free colouring books will be distributed to pre-school children in the kindergartens in Ludwigsburg / Bietigheim-Bissingen.

The special thing about these books is the subject they deal with.

The prevention office Help for Children has set itself the task of protecting children - in road traffic and especially against violence and child abuse.

One of the projects of Help for Children is the colouring book "Together against child abuse and for more safety in road traffic", which was created in cooperation with psychologists and teachers.

The book offers comprehensible colouring pictures in which the children learn to defend themselves against unpleasant closeness according to their age. In a playful way, they learn how to clearly name their wishes, set limits and say NO when they find themselves in an unpleasant situation.

The correct behaviour in road traffic is also a concern of the book. Using clear pictures, children are made aware of dangers and correct behaviour is shown.

Together we can make our children STRONG.

That is why Dürr Technik gladly supports this project.

More information about the children's aid project can be found at





Dürr Technik supports students of FH Aachen for the IMechE Railway Challenge

In order to attract qualified young talent to the railway industry, the Institutional Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) annually organizes a student competition. The University of Applied Sciences Aachen enables its students to participate as a team across all disciplines.
The entry in the competition is called EMMA, an electric locomotive powered by a hydrogen fuel cell. All subsystems of the locomotive are designed, developed and improved by the students.
Dürr Technik provided the students with an oil-free compressor unit D-030 from the KK8 series. The supervising professor Dr. Raphael Pfaff is convinced of the unit: "Among other things, noise emissions are assessed within the framework of the Railway Challenge. The used D-030 could be installed without further housing directly in the locomotive EMMA. Also, the compressor could be operated even during the noise evaluation in its normal regime. The noise level was so low that other teams jealously asked if it was actually working. "
We wish lots of success in the next competition and a good result.

Information about the project can be found at
Information about the D-030 can be found here.

(c) IMechE / David Shirres




HNN Racing Team of Heilbronn University

Since  2013 Dürr Technik has been a sponsor of HHN Racing, the Formula Student Team of Heilbronn University.

At the Formula Student competition, the participating students construct and design a racing car according to the regulations for this competition within one year. After its completion the individual teams meet at worldwide competitions in order to present their racing cars to a jury of experts from the automotive industry and Formula 1 racing and to compete against each another in various disciplines.

Thus the participating students gather practical experience during their studies already and can intensify the theoretical knowledge gained from the lectures. This includes not only the sectors R&D, construction and production but also teamwork, project management and marketing.

At the end of June 2015 the young team celebrated the rollout of the racing car HNR15, named  "Katy". The first official race took place in Austria in August. There the team had the chance to gather some experience and catch their first whiff of motorsport air.

We wish this team a lot of success for the next event in Italy and a good development for the coming season!




Socially engaged

The Caritas, the Diakonie and the Ministry of Economics, Labor and Housing Baden-Württemberg give the

Dürr Technik GmbH & Co. KG
in Bietigheim-Bissingen

as part of the SME Social Responsibility Award the title


and thank you for the social commitment.




Establishment of an English-speaking school in India

From 2008 to 2013 the „Good Shepherd School“ for casteless children, so-called Dalit, was built up in cooperation with OM Germany e.V. , in Marripadu Village in the district  of Srikakulam in Andhra Pradesh, South India.

Dalit have little access to education, are socially excluded and deprived. By providing a good  English-speaking school education, the school gives the children and their families the prospect of a better life.

Dürr Technik were able to convince themselves of the successful completion of the project on the spot. Today, up to 450 children are taught in this school. In addition to medical care children and their families get support in the form of job-oriented activities, for example sewing courses. Furthermore the granting of micro-credits provides them with a leg-up into a self-determined life with their own income.




German youth science competition

The support of young talent is a major concern of Dürr Technik. For the exciting project "model roller coaster" a young ambitioned team of model designers were looking for a compressor which generates high-quality compressed air to accelerate the wagons and control the cylinders . The team of model designers chose a silent continuous-running, oil-free Dürr Technik compressor unit of the type KK 70 Silent. A membrane dryer ensures that no corrosion occurs on the components. The young inventors were very happy about the unit from Dürr Technik.  

The model roller coaster made 2nd place at the youth science competition in the technology division on 16/02/2013 . Moreover they were awarded a special prize for the best interdisciplinary project. Congratulations to the team!




Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Stuttgart

In the master’s degree in industrial engineering of the Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg in Stuttgart, we support students by paying the complete course fees and examination fees for 4 semesters.




Sport sponsoring

As meeting points for children and youngsters, sports clubs play an important role in the development of social competence among adolescents. Dürr Technik provides financial support to equip the football team FSV 08 Bietigheim-Bissingen.




Reduction of child mortality by training in hygiene measures in Afghanistan

The mortality rate of small children is one of the highest in the world. 199 out of 1,000 children do not reach their 5th birthday. The main reason for this misery is that there is a lack of hygiene in daily life. Dürr Technik supports the WaSH programme, short for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, by which in the project area alone, 300 children's lives can be saved.




Hope and education for street kids in Sudan

Due to the internal political situation, 30,000  children in Greater Khartum live on the streets. Most of them are boys, whose purpose in life is to fight for survival every day. A partner organisation has been helping 153 street boys in four residential centres all day for many years now. The boys get accommodation, food as well as the possibility of a school education and professional education. Dürr Technik bore the complete costs for the education of the boys.

How can we help you?

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Contact person

Any questions?

I would like to help you

Gabriel Tordai